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Course description: AEC Daily: Electronic Access Control for Group R Occupancy
Multifamily Group R construction has traditionally been access controlled by means of pin and tumbler mechanical locks. With the migration to electronic access control locks, it can be complicated to understand how to comply with building and fire codes. This course attempts to demystify electronic access control by addressing the basic components, important terms, and design and code considerations, and concludes with a look at a case study.
List the basic components of an electronic access control system and how they provide security via physical and behavioral measures.
Define important terms of electronic access control and their relation to fire code requirements, and differentiate between fail secure and fail safe devices.
Discuss the considerations when designing an access control system to ensure compliance with the relevant building and fire codes.
Assess the pros and cons of various access control methods and use the case study presented as a basis to describe real-world installation challenges and the possible electronic access control solutions.