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Rick Hansen Foundation

The Rick Hansen Foundation offers a slate of training courses on accessibility and disability awareness. Whether you are an architect, building owner, occupational therapist or diversity, equity and inclusion professional, a greater understanding of disability and meaningful accessibility will help accelerate your accessibility journey for people of all abilities.
  • Contact: Tanya Marchetto
  • Téléphone: (800) 213-2131
  • Courriel:
  • Site de web:
  • Course description: Rick Hansen Foundation: RHFAC Fundamentals Training

    This 4-week online course will provide you with increased understanding of the needs of people with disabilities, the barriers to participation and how our physical spaces can be made more accessible. Enhance your knowledge of Universal Design and meaningful access in the built environment through case studies and be introduced to RHFAC methodology. 

    Understand the scope and prevalence of disability in the community.

    Describe how people with disabilities experience the social and physical environment.

    Demonstrate confidence in communicating and interacting with people with disabilities.

    Learn about Universal Design and meaningful accessibility for people with disabilities, and how to apply them in the built environment.

    Gain knowledge of fundamental legal framework affecting people with disabilities.

    Learn about the Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification™ (RHFAC) program, its benefits and methodology.

    Apply an Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) lens to projects/operations.

    Build a community by engaging and sharing with your peers.