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Course description: AEC Daily: Louver Design & Performance: From Basic to Extreme
While providing fresh air intake and exhaust, reducing noise, and keeping out unwanted water and debris, louvers can also provide architectural style to a building design. This course discusses the aesthetics, performance, and weather resistance features of a variety of louver designs from the basic to the extreme. A discussion about the industry standards and test protocols for louver performance is included.
Categorize different louver types and discuss the selection criteria for specifying louvers for a variety of applications.
Determine the performance features, material, and finish for louvers for a building project to ensure the aesthetics and airflow and noise control requirements to maintain occupant comfort are provided.
Identify the Air Movement and Control Association standards for louver performance to determine how louvers prevent air leakage and water infiltration to preserve the interior environment.
Explain the importance of louver pressure and impact testing in verifying whether a louver can reinforce protective measures and enhance physical security under extreme weather events.