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Course description: AEC Daily: Universal & Sustainable Design: Green Hand Drying for All Abilities
“Sustainable” design isn’t just “environmental.” It’s design that works for and contributes to the health and welfare of all individuals as well as the planet, now and in the future. This course looks at hand dryers as part of sustainably designed restrooms and discusses how air knife hand dryers benefit the environment through energy efficiency, resource conservation, and waste reduction, and benefit all members of society by meeting ADA requirements and Universal Design principles.
Compare the impact of paper towels and warm-air hand dryers on the environment compared to air knife hand dryers.
Restate how air knife hand dryers may contribute toward points in the LEED® green building program, help gain WELL® certification, and meet ADA requirements.
Describe how air knife hand dryers incorporate Universal Design principles.
Discuss the hygiene, cost, and user satisfaction benefits of air knife hand dryers.
List applications beyond restrooms suitable for air knife hand dryers.