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Course description: AEC Daily: Optimized Roofing Insulation: Efficient Design for Efficient Buildings
Building energy code requirements for thermal envelope insulation performance have continued to rise over the years. Selection and proper installation of roofing insulation play a large role in the energy efficiency of commercial buildings. This course reviews types of roofing insulation, their layout and attachment methods, and design considerations to address ponding water and condensation issues. Thermal and fire performance and environmental impacts of rigid roofing insulation types are also compared.
Define R-value and the three modes of heat transfer that can be decreased with roofing insulation.
Compare common types of roofing insulation in terms of thermal performance, fire performance, and environmental metrics.
Describe the basics of roofing insulation layout and attachment methods to reduce cold joints and thermal bridging and enhance long-term energy performance.
Discuss how insulation influences design considerations relevant to roof slope for proper drainage and the mitigation of condensation issues in a roof.