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AEC Daily Corporation

AEC Daily is one of the largest providers of continuing education (CE) to the Construction, Architectural, Interior Design and Engineering communities. Complimentary courses are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, with automated credit reporting to numerous organizations across the United States and Canada. Architects, Engineers, Interior Designers and other Construction Professionals rely on AEC Daily to maintain their accreditation and keep them up-to-date with new products and technologies.
  • Contact: Sule Benavides | Client Services Coordinator
  • Téléphone: (877) 566-1199.
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  • Course description: AEC Daily: Low Impact Development & Permeable Pavers

    Low impact development (LID) has several advantages over traditional stormwater management approaches.

    Since impervious pavement is the main source of stormwater runoff, LID strategies recommend permeable paving for hard surfaces. The course discusses LID, its goals and principles, and how they are achieved. It provides an overview of permeable pavements, and more particularly, plastic permeable grid paver systems and how they support LID goals. 

    Discuss the need for low impact development, its goals, and the environmental effects of LID best management practices.

    Explain how the subbase water detention feature of plastic permeable grid paver systems greatly reduces the amount of pollutants entering groundwater, protecting humans, wildlife, and the natural environment.

    Compare various permeable pavements in terms of cost, and long-term performance related to infiltration rates.

    Use project examples to illustrate how plastic permeable grid paver systems can be used to achieve LID goals.