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Course description: AEC Daily: Reducing Fire Risk at the Perimeter of High-Rise Structures
A growing number of high-rise fire incidents around the world have raised awareness about the fire safety performance of taller structures. Timing for containing a high-rise fire is critical, as high numbers of occupants have limited means of escape. Vertical fire spread along the exterior facade may quickly overwhelm firefighters at ground level, especially if it advances to heights beyond the reach of their ground attack. This course looks at issues surrounding high-rise fires, how they spread, and how following building codes and proper material testing can lessen the risk or impact of these blazes.
Describe fire propagation at the exterior wall in high-rise structures and the codes, standards, and listed assemblies that are used to address these fire safety issues.
Restate the basic design features required at the exterior wall to contain a fire to the level of origination.
Outline the top five common misconceptions when it comes to designing and installing perimeter fire containment systems.
Discuss guidelines on proper design that allow architects to influence fire safety at the building’s perimeter.