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Course description: AEC Daily: Customizable Premanufactured Railings: Beautiful and Flexible Solutions
Elevate your railing designs with a premanufactured system without compromising aesthetics or adaptability to site conditions. When you choose a manufacturer with design and engineering capabilities, you can customize premanufactured systems to meet safety standards AND enhance a project’s design. In this course, we discuss how a railing manufacturer helped three architects create unique solutions from premanufactured components.
Explain the safety benefits of using premanufactured railing systems versus fabricated railings in commercial projects, including improved durability and pre-engineered designs.
Describe how a manufacturer’s design and engineering team can modify standard attachments for structurally sound solutions in atypical mounting conditions.
Identify standard parts of a modular railing system and recognize how they can be combined in multiple ways to create different looks.
Detail standard modular railing base and fascia attachments and identify when a custom alternative may be required to meet structural and code requirements.