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Course description: AEC Daily: The Importance of Lath Embedment in Portland Cement-Based Plaster (Stucco)
Stucco is a popular and durable finishing material that offers many benefits, combining safety and affordability while satisfying aesthetic needs. It can be applied to various surfaces using a lath system, which provides support for stucco. However, the quality of the stucco lath embedment can greatly affect its performance. This course covers the proper technique for achieving lath embedment, the different types of metal lath and their various applications, and regional material preferences.
Compare portland cement-based plaster (stucco) to other types of popular plaster and define its basic components.
Describe the many positive attributes of stucco that contribute to the creation of a safe and comfortable environment for occupants.
Determine the impact of proper lath embedment on stucco’s performance and durability.
Recognize the different types of laths that are used regionally and nationally, their various attributes and advantages, and their contribution to safety and durability.