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Course description: AEC Daily: Mineral Wool IMPs: Sustainable, Fire-Resistant Construction
A sound building envelope should be sustainable and provide fire resistance, good thermal performance, and protection from the elements. Mineral wool fire-rated insulated metal panels (IMPs) can improve building performance and contribute to a sustainable design strategy. Included in this course are discussions on mineral wool IMP characteristics and design options, performance advantages, and installation considerations. The course details how fire resistance is specified in the International Building Code and provides examples of fire wall and fire partition construction assemblies.
Describe mineral wool IMPs in terms of their characteristics and design options and state six performance advantages.
Summarize how single-component IMPs provide all necessary air, water, vapor, and thermal control layers and state key installation considerations.
Differentiate between the IBC chapters that deal with building types, occupancy, and fire safety requirements.
Describe fire-resistant panel testing and visualize the differences between fire wall and fire partition construction in both interior and exterior wall assemblies.
Explain the importance of product transparency in making balanced and informed product decisions.