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Course description: AEC Daily: Rainscreens, Barrier Walls, & the Insulated Metal Panel Solution
Rainscreens are a multicomponent system offering redundancy in resisting the weather; however, continuity of each component is critical. When an insulated metal panel (IMP) is used within the system, it can function as a number of these components, simplifying installation and improving performance. This course looks at IMPs acting as barrier walls behind various rainscreen systems, with a discussion on the performance characteristics for air, water, vapor, and thermal management.
Recognize the different forces that drive water through a wall assembly, such as gravity, kinetic energy, surface tension, and capillary action.
Analyze the various types of wall systems, including “perfect” barrier walls, mass/storage walls, rainscreens, and insulated metal panels.
Differentiate between vapor barriers, vapor retarders, and air/water barriers and explain how each manages vapor diffusion.
Examine the advantages of insulated metal panels as barrier walls for rainscreens, including how they simplify installation and improve performance.