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Course description: AEC Daily: Combatting Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs)
The cleanliness of rooms in healthcare facilities is critical in preventing patients from contracting life-threatening infections. Along with proper hand hygiene, frequent privacy or cubicle curtain changes help prevent the spread of healthcare associated infections (HAIs). This course examines the social, economic, and operational impact HAIs have on a healthcare organization and explains why removable curtain systems make it easier to keep privacy curtains clear of dangerous pathogens and protect the physical health of the building users.
Define healthcare associated infection (HAI) and discuss HAI strains that have been the most concerning for healthcare settings to determine how design of healthcare spaces can mitigate HAIs .
Identify contributing factors to HAIs and describe the chain of infection to inform design of healthcare spaces that limit the spread of HAIs.
Discuss how privacy curtains are a major contributor of cross contamination and HAIs and threaten the health and safety of hospital patients, staff, and visitors.
Identify privacy curtain features that support infection control cleaning practices and protocols in healthcare facilities.
Discuss case studies where best practices in design, specifically options for textile privacy curtains, have proven to lessen the impact of HAIs.