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Course description: AEC Daily: Metal Roof & Wall Systems: Specifying for Aesthetics, Durability, and Energy Efficiency
Standing seam metal roofing has been used successfully in the United States for centuries, and proper specification is key to realizing its intended performance. Examined here are: the factors driving the demand for standing seam metal roof and wall systems; standing seam panel basics; gauge and grade; oil canning; specification considerations; testing standards; and forming, delivery, storage, handling, and warranty.
Explain how standing seam cool roofs reduce surface temperatures and air temperatures inside buildings, improving human health and comfort by preventing heat-related illnesses and deaths.
Discuss how standing seam cool roofs lower energy consumption and decrease the production of associated air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
Identify key testing standards used to assess standing seam metal roof performance related to wind uplift, air exfiltration, water infiltration, and fire resistance.
Use knowledge of metal gauge and grade, coatings, corrosion and galvanic reaction, and material forming, delivery, storage, and handling, as well as warranties to specify a durable, long-lasting, energy-efficient standing seam metal roofing system.