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Course description: AEC Daily: Architectural LED Lighting: Conceptual Design Principles for Lighting Schemes
“Good” lighting is more than photometric performance: it is an art and a science that is truly greater than the sum of its parts. It must meet the visual needs of many and satisfy a myriad of individuals’ subjective perceptions. Architectural lighting design is a series of planned experiences involving people and spaces that we create by modulating and delivering light. This course discusses a conceptual framework for lighting design that specifiers can use to bring an architectural vision to life with the most powerful medium available to enrich the built environment and enhance the end-user experience: light!
Describe how humans see and process light visually and nonvisually and how light influences an individual’s circadian rhythm and overall health and well-being.
Compare and contrast correlated color temperature (CCT) and color rendering index (CRI) and discuss their limitations in describing color accuracy, especially for human skin tones and faces.
Describe the characteristic differences between LED, incandescent, and fluorescent lighting and how to manipulate or mitigate shadows for dramatic effect or visual comfort.
Conceptually design lighting in the schematic phase of architectural/interior projects and subsequently develop and specify LED illumination that enriches those spaces and end-user experiences.