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CEU Events

CEU Events is a leading continuing education platform for companies, associations, and professionals who provide educational programs in the design, architecture and construction industries.
  • Contact: Martin Siwy - President
  • Téléphone: (213) 787-7165.
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  • Course description: CEU Events: Success in the Classroom Starts with Sound

    This presentation will provide architects with a working knowledge of how current trends in acoustic design for classrooms can support improved learning environments for students, as well as increase the overall comfort and well-being of all occupants. Acoustics in classrooms should be a priority for designers as ambient background noise and intruding sounds can be a major distraction and nuisance for both students and educators. Elements to consider when addressing the acoustic performance of a classroom include controlling reverberation, background noise, and sound isolation. This presentation will offer specific instruction for architects when specifying materials within the classroom environment to ensure current standards are met, and acoustic performance is maximized.

    Learning Objective 1 Identify the acoustical needs and how they can improve learning environments.

    Learning Objective 2 Understand the specifiable performance metrics and material ratings that can enhance the design of education spaces.

    Learning Objective 3 Explore the relevant test standards, design guidelines, and building codes that support the health, safety, and welfare of building occupants in educational settings.

    Learning Objective 4 Identify the key indoor environmental quality factors that are important for ensuring the comfort and well-being of students and staff in schools, and explore ways to improve them.

    Learning Objective 5 Analyze case studies of successful learning environments that have implemented effective acoustical design strategies to reduce distraction and nuisance, and improve the overall learning experience.