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CEU Events

CEU Events is a leading continuing education platform for companies, associations, and professionals who provide educational programs in the design, architecture and construction industries.
  • Contact: Martin Siwy - President
  • Téléphone: (213) 787-7165.
  • Courriel:
  • Site de web:
  • Course description: CEU Events: Return to People: The Enduring Power of Place

    Delve into the profound interconnectedness between People and Place. This thought-provoking discussion provides insight into the art of crafting spaces that prioritize inclusivity and contribute to a brighter and more equitable future for everyone, considering the profound effects of the pandemic on our environments. This course invites you to discover the transformative power of design to reconnect with people and contribute to a brighter, more equitable future.

    Learning Objective 1 Understand the intricate relationship between individuals and their environments, exploring how this connection influences design and fosters a sense of belonging, particularly in response to the pandemic.

    Learning Objective 2 Explore how design can deepen connections within organizations and create a supportive work environment.

    Learning Objective 3 Appreciate the importance of community involvement in design, understanding how it enhances inclusivity by incorporating diverse perspectives to meet the needs of a broad audience.

    Learning Objective 4 Apply design principles to contribute to a more equitable future, considering the profound effects of the pandemic.