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Course description: CEU Events: The Science of Color & Light
Color & Light educates professionals on what elements of light must be considered when making color and paint selections. Course topics include: Obtain an overview of the properties of color and light, in addition to history on lighting options. Discuss the various types of lighting available today and how light technologies can enhance or alter colors within a space. Understand metamerism, Color Rendering Index (CRI), Light Reflectance Value (LRV) and how these elements impact design decisions.
Learning Objective 1 Differentiate between various types of lighting properties and characteristics, including efficiency and general differences in wavelengths of light
Learning Objective 2 Explain Light Reflectance Value (LRV) and the different types of light distribution
Learning Objective 3 Summarize the role of light and the process that occurs between the brain and the eye for humans to see and perceive color
Learning Objective 4 Describe simultaneous contrast, metamerism, and color constancy, and how they affect the perception of color