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CEU Events

CEU Events is a leading continuing education platform for companies, associations, and professionals who provide educational programs in the design, architecture and construction industries.
  • Contact: Martin Siwy - President
  • Téléphone: (213) 787-7165.
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  • Course description: CEU Events: The Human Color Experience and Color Trends 2021

    Some colors may be calming and relaxing, while other hues may be energizing and lively. Colors are known to create feelings of joy, while others leave us feeling unsettled. Color has the incredible ability to evoke both physical and emotional reactions in humans that are unique to each individual, making this a highly subjective topic. By understanding how color impacts humans on both physical and emotional levels, we are better equipped to select hues for our spaces that contribute to a desired sensibility. Likewise, color is an ideal communication tool; using the many associations had with colors across the spectrum. This course explores physical and emotional responses to color that shape our color preferences, in addition to insight on color trends with the Color Trends 2021 Palette and Color of the Year.

    Learning Objective 1 Learn ways in which humans are affected by color both physically and emotionally, thus using this knowledge to make impactful and effective color selections.

    Learning Objective 2 Understand how the eye and brain work together to process color, in addition to ways in which the brain shapes our visual perception of color.

    Learning Objective 3 Differentiate between various elements that contribute to emotional reactions to color including inherent color responses, learned and past experiences, cultural associations, use of language to describe color.

    Learning Objective 4 Consider how color is a tool for communicating messages, directions, and serves as a vehicle for self-expression, particularly in contactless environments.

    Learning Objective 5 Explore the Color of the Year and Color Trends 2021 palette and concept.