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Course description: CEU Events: Red Throughout History
For centuries color has been essential to the work by artists, designers and architects for its expressive qualities. The color red has played a significant role, making it a timeless hue that is as relevant today and into the future as it was in prehistoric times or the Renaissance. By understanding Reds past we can better understand the symbolism and vitality of this color and why it is a true mainstay in the artist, designer, and architects palette. This course surveys examples of the great importance of the color red through history, architecture, art history and design, while illustrating how red can be brought into the home today.
Learning Objective 1 Describe the earliest uses and development of pigments and how this played a role in establishing symbolism or associations attached to specific colors.
Learning Objective 2 Develop a greater appreciation for how certain colors were used by artists throughout art history, becoming a strong visual storyteller.
Learning Objective 3 Through examples of influential architecture and design, demonstrate the importance of specific colors during various time periods as articulated by key designers and architects.
Learning Objective 4 Demonstrate various applications of color in the home in large or small ways depending on the aesthetic goals of the interior.