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Course Description: AEC Daily: Polyiso CI for Code-Compliant Walls in Types I–IV Construction
There are a multitude of building envelope products used and a variety of methods taken for achieving energy and building code requirements. Understanding the different roles a product plays in the envelope simplifies its design. In this course, we take a look at the code requirements for buildings classified as IBC Types I–IV, paths to achieving compliance, and the number of roles polyisocyanurate insulation plays in meeting these requirements.
Define continuous insulation (ci), the role of ci, and types and properties.
Identify the applications of polyiso ci, including its use as exterior insulation, water-resistive barrier (WRB), and air barrier (AB) and as a multifunctional or composite performance sheathing.
Recall energy code compliance, including prescriptive, U-value, and performance paths.
Recall building code compliance, including fire, wind pressure, and building science (WRB, AB, vapor retarder) considerations.